About Our Church
Zion Church Ministries is located in Everett, MA and is pastored by Bishop Robert G. Brown, Senior Pastor. Zion Church Ministries is a non-denominational church and is the headquarters church of the Covenant Christian Church Alliance, under the leadership of the Presiding Prelate, Bishop Robert G. Brown.
Zion is a multicultural church seeking to reflect the diversity of the Kingdom of God. We are a bible-based preaching and teaching church focused on the work of Evangelism, Missions and Community engagement.
The church offers various ministries and programs, including Sunday worship services, Bible studies, prayer meetings, and other programs and ministries to engage the people of God in opportunities for spiritual growth, engagement, outreach, and ministry.
The church's mission is to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ, teach them to follow Him, and empower them to share His love with others.
The church's core values include prayer, worship, discipleship, fellowship, evangelism, and stewardship. The Holy Spirit guides us, love identifies us, obedience defines us, and faith and God's grace sustain us.

“So Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

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Phone: 617-389-8357
Watch Us Live
Watch us every Sunday morning at 10:00 am LIVE on YouTube or Facebook at Zion Church Ministries Worldwide
Phone: 617-389-8357
Email: office@zionchurchministries.com
Worship Experience:Sundays at 10:00 am
Address: 757 Broadway – Everett, MA