Bishop Robert G. Brown
Bishop Robert G. Brown is the Presiding Prelate of Covenant Christian Church Alliance, Inc., and Senior Pastor of Zion Church Ministries, Inc, Everett, MA, where he has pastored forty-three years.
Bishop Brown is a native of Boston, MA, and holds a B.S. in Engineering from Wentworth Institute; a graduate degree from Boston University in Communications; and a Master of Religious Education from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is married to Marcia (Robinson) Brown; has three children, Dominique, Daniel and Giselle; five grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.
Bishop Brown is an entrepreneur, administrator, pastor, teacher and servant leader. He is the founder of Covenant Christian Church Alliance, Inc., an association of resource empowerment and support for pastors and churches, providing educational, financial, and spiritual resources.
He is the founder and CEO of RGB Internet Radio, and RGB World Enterprises; President of the Covenant Christian Bible Institute; President of Zion Human Services Corporation, Inc.; Chaplain of the Everett Police Department; Governing Board Member of Eagle Bank; former Board Member for Portal to Hope; former Chairperson of the Diversity, Equity and Equal Employment Commission for the city of Everett; member of the Everett E Club; past President of the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.; past President of the Baptist Ministers Conference of Boston & Vicinity; past President of the United Baptist Convention of MA, RI & NH; former Executive Board Member of the Board of Evangelism of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.; and former Public Relations Director and Vice President-at-Large of the New England Missionary Baptist Convention.
He is the recipient of numerous awards to include the Metrowest Martin Luther King, Jr. Award, Boston Urban League award, Boston Branch of the NAACP award, City of Everett Black History Month Award for Community Leadership, and MLK Service Recognition Award. His ministry has blessed him to travel throughout the US and the world, preaching and teaching the Word of God.
Bishop Brown’s familiar testimony and favorite phrase is, “To God be the glory, for the great things He has done!”